Lawn Care Websites, Online Marketing, & SEO

For companies offering fertilization, weed control, aeration, and more!

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Lawn Care Industry

Lawn Care Web Design, SEO, & Online Marketing

Generate leads for services such as fertilization, weed control, aeration, and seeding.

As a turf and lawn care provider, you know that quality customers provide recurring income for years, which is the key to creating a successful business for the long-term. Unfortunately, these types of customers don't just fall on your doorstep. With our web design, search engine optimization, and online marketing services, we'll make sure these customers find you online when searching for fertilization, weed control, aeration, and a variety of other services you offer.

Looking for information about web design and marketing for lawn mowing and maintenance? You'll find that here.

How to get more fertilization and weed control leads.

Fertilization and weed control are the top services for most lawn and turf care providers. In order to generate consistent fertilization and weed leads from the Internet, you must first get in front of them using your website. The most effective methods are through organic rankings and paid advertisements on search engines like Google. We've also seen some success utilizing paid advertisements on social media websites like Facebook.

Here's a screenshot of a customer's website form submissions. Note, this does not show phone call leads.

Screenshot: Lawn care leads generated from website.

Building your website to rank for service keywords.

Regardless of credibility or competition, if your website isn't properly built, it will be tough for you to rank organically on search engines like Google. We're not only talking about technical aspects of SEO, but we're also talking about the written text content. We create pages on your website dedicated to each service and write custom, educational, and targeted content for you.

An example of a dedicated service page would be creating a page for Fertilization Services. Within the web page, we would discuss points such as:

  • What fertilizer is and the three main ingredients
  • Why they need fertilization services and benefits
  • When fertilizer is applied and the number of treatments
  • Where fertilization services are offered

Want to see a real fertilization web page that we've created? Head over to Buffalo Lawn & Landscape's fertilization page here.

Running paid advertisements to generate lawn care leads immediately.

Building your website to rank organically is a great, long-lasting approach. However, if you need to generate leads now, then you're going to be interested in paid advertisements. Utilizing Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, you can generate leads from your website for lawn care services rather quickly.

Many businesses are skeptical of paid advertisements because they've had a bad experience in the past and wasted money. To be successful with paid advertising, the following elements must be perfectly executed:

  • Targeting searchers/audiences that will actually sign up for your service
  • Separating your advertisements to be specific to a service and not generalized
  • Dedicated landing pages on your website with strong calls-to-action and differentiators (like reviews)
  • Proper tracking for conversions and remarketing

Turf care companies that rely on us.

As with any web design or marketing agency, don't just believe everything we tell you. Instead, see for yourself that our methods work. We recommend you read some of our many online reviews and check out a few of the websites we've built. Here are some of our clients that offer turf care services such as fertilization, weed control, aeration, and more.

1.888 LawnTec
Buffalo Lawn & Landscape
Emerald Outdoor
Go Green Lawns
Anderson Turf Management
Nichols Lawn Care

Check Out Some More of Our Clients

We're the top-rated web design and marketing agency for lawn care companies. Let's get started with a phone call.

All of our customers can't be wrong. We've worked with over 150 companies in the green industry, many of them focusing on lawn care services. Take the first step today and give us a call at (813) 944-3400 to discuss web design and online marketing services to grow your lawn care business.

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